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Easy ways to save battery • Uninstall apps and games you don’t use anymore • Using dark themes, most apps have this option • Keep Bluetooth and WiFi off when not in use • Turning off vibrations mainly haptic feedback in in keyboards and other apps that utilize vibration notification • Turning brightness down as much as possible when in doors • Turn off push notifications for games Sync Settings Having a lot of Internet based apps or apps that automatically sync to the cloud is a huge drain on your battery. Weather apps, email apps, apps that require you to sign into accounts. One fix for this is to turn auto sync off in your phones settings but then you’ll have to remember to turn it on occasionally if you want notifications. I recommend either picking your favorite weather, email/Internet apps and getting rid of the rest OR You can turn off sync within the Internet application as long you don’t care about notifications from.
Browse Designs
The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!