YouMagine – Contributed photo: Lightsaber 3d Print

Lightsaber 3d Print


Star Wars Lightsaber (Normal version)

Printed on

Printrbot - Printrbot Simple Black


Awesome model, great results with no supports needed.


.2 layer height, .15 infill, "natural color" (transparent) 1.75 PLA filament on a Printrbot Simple Black. All pieces came out great except the pin connecting the pommel and grip. I had to reprint that at 95% scale so it would fit between the two pieces. I originally tried trimming the holes and pin so the full-size would fit to no avail, the 95% scale one popped right in perfectly.

The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!