DanielNoree's profile picture



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CadCam addict hooked on 3D printing.

3D Printing evangelist and Open Source advocate. Author of "The OpenRC Project" and "OpenRailway Project". Designer, Maker, Presenter and destroyer of small parts!

Pateon: https://www.patreon.com/DanielNoree

Twitter - @danielnoree :https://twitter.com/DanielNoree

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DanielNoree/posts

Youmagine: https://www.youmagine.com/users/danielnoree

GrabCAD: https://grabcad.com/daniel.noree

Instagram: http://instagram.com/danielnoree

Website: www.danielnoree.com

Browse Designs
The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!