Orc 54mm

25 6

Jeremy Gosser


12 objects 54 Followers

GameScape3D is a modest design studio run Jeremy Gosser (b.1973). The studio began as an OOP resale business under the name Time Portal Games in 2012 and morphed several times before becoming a resin and digital terrain modeling proprietorship. Rebranding began in 2017 to better represent the company’s direction. Jeremy received an M.F.A. in 2D Fine Art from Northern Illinois University in 1999 and began 3D modeling in late 2013 . He has work continuously as an educator and technician. He presently resides in Murray, Kentucky with his wife and daughter and works in the Department of Art and Design @ Murray State University.

The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!