Production Device Cropout

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Owner of an Ultimaker. If you like my free products please consider donating: Bitcoin Address: 12cuJqCNeN7hvb4AHNUSDp1nSMfpvsthx5 My related sites for 3D models are: Thingiverse: shapeways: I loved designing mechanical gadgets of all sorts since I was a child. Thus the emergence of personal 3D printers was a blessing for me. 2012 I got my printer and was finally able to release mental pressure by extruding those things out of my head. 3D printing is cool but I personally don't think it will turn the world upside down. It is expectable though that in the not too distant future very small (e.g. smartphone sized) additive manufacturing devices that are capable of accurately and parallely putting massive amounts of single carbon atoms together will pop up. Such Atomically precise small scale factroies or personal fabricators undoubtably will lead to swift and radical change of unprecedented magnitude. If you're interested here's a link to my wiki about this topic where I started to gather some rudimentary bits of relevant information:

The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!