TEG3D Printing's profile picture

TEG3D Printing

@TEG3D Printing

54 4 890

TEG3D is all about 3D-printing and designing products for the industry and private sector. We have a lot of knowledge about materials and we implement this in our 3D-prints and products. FB: https://www.facebook.com/TEG3D

Examples of what we print parts for:
-Model making (Houses, bridges, figures)
-parts for robot's (Joints, skeleton, arms, legs)
-Home automation (Cases for prints)
-Prototyping (If you want to keep your file secret, we will keep it secret.)
-Broken parts all around your house 

We do design a lot of these parts. If something is broken, we can re-drawn it and print it for you. We also do design work for the industry. 

Feel free to ask for a price of a design job!

Browse Designs
The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!