FMS K5 Blazer Bumpers and Roofbasket Lamps

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FMS K5 Blazer Bumpers and Roofbasket Lamps

If you want to set your FMS FCX24 apart from the rest, these period-correct tube bumpers will do the trick. The original screws are used to hold them on and as a side note, the geometry on the bumper straitens the front and rear panels on the body as the front but more noticeably the rear has a warp to them. This set allows you to add some roof lamps to the included roof basket that comes with the FCX24 blazer.

Please see the images for an example of a fast, low res FDM print and the lamps right off an SLA printer. 

Please see the video for installation and painting tips. 

Ampro Engineering

Ampro Engineering

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