DiiegoMP's profile picture



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I´m 16 years old and I like to make all kind of stuff related to Technology. I actually did: - An electric Skateboard - A 3D Printed drone (MHQ2 from Thingiverse) - The OpenRC Truggy from Daniel Norée - RC Cessna 152 from 3dLabPrint You can follow me on the Social Networks so you don´t lose anything about me! - Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiiegoMP_ - Instagram: https://instagram.com/DiiegoMP_ - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYHadWuJOd4tU8pAQjZebQ - Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/diiego77/designs - RedPah: https://www.redpah.com/profile/19111/diego-miguel-picazo If you really like my work, I would appreciate a donation, It would help me a lot. Thanks!
The new You_ on mobile will come later this year.

Enjoy the RC community of 3D Creators and Drivers on desktop.

See You_ later!