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Social media is a platform for sharing info among networks and Instagram has made its reputation in the industry. Instagram stories are a great way of showing our adventures to the world in both photograph and video formats. But an issue users can experience with their Instagram stories is the fact that they only remain available for up to 24 hours; after that, they vanish forever. The website doesn’t provide the choice of saving your own stories. This may lead to losing the memories you cherish. Great thing is, there’s a technique of saving those videos. Listed below are several tips on how to download Instagram stories. Download Instagram Stories you Made for the Day The videos published in a day can be downloaded as one Instagram stories video. Meaning, to use them in the future, you have to play the whole video because all stories are saved as one file. There exists a need to watch all videos to see what you want. This might take the time to watch but still a lot better than possessing no copy. As soon as you have the copy, you can view it anytime and anywhere. The guide on how to do it is discussed below. Let’s begin by opening Instagram site and head to your feed. On the top left part, you will find “Your Story” icon. As soon as you have picked that, you will see an icon with 3 small dots; tap that to get more options. The “Save” option must be clicked, followed by “Save Story” option. Time will be required to render your video, just be patient and you will then see the video afterwards your Camera Roll.. Download Instagram Stories One at a time Going back on what you performed above, keep in mind that there are some selections to select in the Save options. This is exactly what we'll utilize to download individual clips of your Instagram stories rather than complete recording. The process is largely the opposite of the previous one, but it's not harder. On the Save button options, choose Save Video, not the Save Story option. This will allow you to focus on a single moment or photo instead of saving the entire day. If you are successful in saving just one clip, you later view it in your collections of Pictures or Camera Roll. Saving Stories Uploaded by Another Instagram User Saving stories that were uploaded by another Instagram user will require you to make use of third-party websites. There are many such websites available on the net. All of them work in the same manner. Pick the websites that you may find simple to use and you are comfy. Steps to download stories via a third-party website First step is to consult the website what kind of information does it need about the user whose stories you want to download. Most of the time, the third-party site asks for either the username as well as profile link of the user. Then copy-paste the web link or the username into the ideal box on the site requesting stated information. Then, the website will load the stories that are still visible, as posted by the user you chose. Determine the particular story you would like to download and then click the SAVE option. And finally, the video will be saved to your local device. Bonuses at my web site
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